Not 100% sure what SUGARING is? Or why you might like it more than traditional waxing or shaving?
History of Body Sugaring
The earliest references to hair removal came from the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece. Early writings out of Mesopotamia tell of kings asking that women be brought to them clean and smooth, i.e. hairless. Ancient Egyptians place a high importance on aesthetics and cosmetics. Egyptian hieroglyphics describe how slave girls serving Pharaoh were expected to remove their body hair. Hair on the body was considered unclean by the upper class. Possibly through a fortuitous accidence, the method of using sugar for hair removal treatments was developed.
The British Museum’s famed Department of Egyptology displays copper and bronze razors and tweezers from as far back as 1900 B.C., including one combination razor/hair cutter/trimmer from about 1450 B.C. These methods however, were still primitive and painful. During the reign of the Turkish Empire, the harem was an important part of court life and the removal of body hair was considered an art.
However, the results of our extensive research determined the current methods were working only to a limited extent. It was found that this ancient art of hair removal could provide permanent, satisfactory results with benefits that would far exceed the more commonly used method, if it could be modified to become commercially acceptable.
Sugaring at Reecia's Salon & Spa

Sugaring at Reecia’s Salon & Spa

How Does it Work?
The paste, a warmed thick mixture is applied first in the opposite direction of hair growth and then in the direction of hair growth using the hands. It’s then flicked off in the in the direction of hair growth.
Here is why to choose Sugar:
Someone experienced can do sugaring quickly with the paste. Large amounts of hair can be taken out at once, and finished fast.
Easy clean up. Both the paste and gel are water soluble, meaning you can clean off any residue left on the skin with plain water, unlike regular wax.
Sugar paste can be applied over missed hairs. The paste is very gentle and can be put right over an area that was just sugared but missed some hairs, without fear of much irritation.
Temporary results can turn into permanent. Over time, frequent sugaring can cause the hair follicle to become damaged, and stop growing hair.
Hair Length can be even shorter than waxing 1/16th of an inch!
Ouch Factor Okay, it’s still pulling out hair from the root, but most people find it less painful. Sugaring doesn’t stick to live skin cells like waxing, which means less irritation. The upper lip, chest, bikini and genital areas rank as the highest pain offenders.
Sugaring at Reecia's Salon & Spa

Sugaring at Reecia’s Salon & Spa

References: Alexandria™ ,
