“Your skin is so beautiful, I want your skin, Its flawless. What do you do to your skin?
Thank you, you are too kind, but I actually have a lot of hyperpigmentation. My nose is full of comedones, and I’m starting to age (sigh 30 is around the corner).
But here is my true testament on how I have pretty, nice skin, most of the time.
1. I only wash it once a day (Enbrightenment Cleanser)
2. I use Toner at night, splash it on my face, brush my teeth while it dries (I do a wall sit as I brush my teeth or squats in the morning. Talk about multi-tasking.)
3. Moisturizer. I alternate Green Science for anti aging and Enbrightnetment for those darn brown spots ( they both have a touch of salicylic acid so my skin is always smooth
4. I exfoliate 2 times a month in the winter and 4 times a month in the warmer more sunscreeny months
5. I use Inner Light Tinted Moisturizer SPF 15 in Aspen everyday of my life because it hydrates my skin, protects it from the sun and fills it with antioxidants.
6. You will never see me in a chain restaurant/fast food joint.
7. My mom has dry skin and my dad has oily skin. Genetics were kind to me.
8. I hide from the sun because it hurts me.
9. Sometimes I pull out the ol’ Sonicare after a camping/hiking trip.
10. All of the products I use are from Aveda and I sleep 8 hours a night.